Week of June 22nd 2020
It is has been hard to say the least, to make it through the days let alone the weeks recently. I have been thinking maybe having some sort of a creative outlet might help me to not have so much time to over think and become completely engulfed in my emotions. Not surprisingly I have been keeping myself busy with administrative things during the day ( was actually talking to my sister about doing a post or a helpful resource for people who have to handle the administrative parts after someone passes away. There will be another blog post or link on the blog to access that resource when it becomes available). However I find myself really struggling and having difficulty at night. So this week I’ve decided to dedicate some of the night time hours, where i find my anxiety growing to getting some blog content done.
**I want to write a disclaimer in that I believe it is necessary and helpful to identify and acknowledge your emotions and feelings. However its also equally as important to have a outlet for emotions and feelings as well.
A while back I was thinking of doing a sort of weekly check in here ( utilizing it as sort of a journal component to high light something that i was able to accomplish for the week) The achievement could be as small or as big as it presents itself. I think a lot of the time we don’t give ourselves enough credit for accomplishing even small goals in our day. The fact that you got outta bed and did a thing is important. And it’s important to give your self a pat on back, because the reality of it is sometimes getting out of bed is hard and that is the accomplishment.
During this time where we are faced with uncertainty, change, increased anxiety and loss in all different ways. Please know you are doing the best you can. In this segment I invite you to share your achievements for the week. We have to be our own cheerleader and we have to encourage ourselves and each other
My weekly win for this week, is finding the motivation to start this segment and write a blog post.
What is your weekly win this month I would love to hear!