Mellow Yellow

Mellow Yellow

If you follow me over on instagram you may have noticed a consistent color on my feed for the month of June! I’ll wait for you to go check it out! Did you notice it?

That’s right Yellow!

What are your thoughts about the color yellow?

Personally I love it! It’s not my favorite color but one i’ve recently fallen in love with!

I chose yellow for the month of June because I though it was the perfect color for the month, vibrant bright and bold!

Did you know there is a whole branch of psychology dedicated to color:


Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. A popular theory on color psychology is that a person’s mood can be influenced by the color, light and the surrounding colors (

According to color psychologists, Yellow, the brightest color of the spectrum is commonly used in images depicting fresh ideas, creative projects, or new business initiative.

Some things color psychologists have also found about the color yellow:

  • Associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.

  • Produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates
    muscle energy.

  • Bright, pure yellow is an attention-getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color.

  • Yellow indicates honor and loyalty.

  • The Yellow color is one of the most commonly used colors on the superheroes. The yellow colors are long wavelength color. In psychology, the color yellow is considered as a color of positive thinking and confidence which is to be represented by the superhero.

Some negatives:

  • In some parts of history the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice (

  • When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect ( may trigger warning or caution)

  • It has been researched and in some cases shown that babies cry more in yellow rooms.

Theres def a clash in opinions about the color yellow. What are your thought? Love It or leave it?

Lets discuss it!