Card memory books
I have always saved all of my greetings card and they have always just kind of taken up their space in a box in my closet. When going through and figuring out all the things that we were going to keep in my moms room we found tons of card, pictures, and memorabilia. Like me my mom kept everything. She kept every single card she received. I wanted to find a way to save the cards in a creative and cool way not just hanging in a box that id most likely forget about. So I turned to the holy grail of all things crafty and creative, Pintrest. I found a-lot of cool ideas one of my favorites and super simple being making them into a book
What you need:
Old greeting cards and/or other memorabilia
Binder rings: I got mine from amazon linked here
Card stock, scrapbook paper, construction paper etc.
Other decorating tools if you please, stickers, markers, ETC
Hole puncher ( dollar store) work smarter not harder
All ya do is:
1. Hole punch the cards, you can do 2 holes or three, dealers choice. I did one book with three and others with 2 whole
2: Organize them in any fashion you want, by size or color. I separated mine by occasion, birthdays, holidays etc.
3:Attach the binder clips and viola, a simple easy way to keep your old greeting cards
***Another cool idea that these rings could be used for might be to save old recipes from the family or that you that you just enjoy.
I also used my clips to hold my measuring cups. Life hack!