Self Care Series: Happy Planning :)
Self care is a term that is used so frequently right now especially in the mental health field and for good reason. Self care is so extremely extremely important, to those in the helping profession as well as basically anybody who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. You can’t pour from an empty glass right? You have to recharge those batteries and you have to refill that glass. This Self Care series will outline some of the ways I engage in Self care, describing my favorites and exploring new self care routines as well.
Lets be honest we ( I know I) don’t always take as good of care as we want or plan whether it’s our diet, sleeping schedule or even sometimes our relationships. With everything I have going on I try to make time for some self care at least once a day, yes once a day! There are 24 hours in a day, I’m thinking one hour a day to focus on yourself isn’t asking for too much. Whether its taking a long bath or shower or watching an hour of Supernatural, Self care is exactly what it says taking time to care for yourself. This week I wanted to focus on one of my favorite things to do that I didn’t even realize was self care for me.
So I am a planner, in life and on paper.! I like things to be planned out and my days to be organized, down to the hour if possible. I am working on being less rigid but its a work in progress what can I say. For some people being on a time table stresses them out but for me i have found that it relaxes me.
Writing things down on paper not only helps me to organize my day and thoughts it also calms me down and allows me not to stress over things in the distant future. Writing down my goals makes them an actual thing and motivates me to actually do it! Visualization is the key to success they say!
Throughout this last year specifically, I have found that I enjoy my time to write down my schedule in my planner. Writing down important dates, possible trips and goals for myself each week or everyday is one of my favorite self care activities.
Are you a planner or more of a fly by the seat of your pants kinda guy or gal? I’d love to know what kinds of things relax and mellow you out? Let me know in the comments below!
Happy planner has been my planner of choice recently .If you don’t know about Happy planner your whole life is about to change, maybe. Its an awesome brand, visually appealing and you have a ton of flexibility with how you want to design your planner. They have so many add on stickers if your interested in things meal planning, fitness, saving money or goal planning. I got my planner from Micheal’s but i’m sure you can get it at most craft stores.. Happy planning!
***Not sponsored just love this brand!
** My prosecco recommendation this week is this Cecilia Beretta Treviso, from trader Joes. Trader Joes is another one of my go-to’s for a great cheap bottle of wine or bubbly. It was less than $10 can I get an ok ok!
I wasn’t able to link it online but you can pick up at bottle at your local trader Joes for sure. Cheers!